Kitchen decor trends in 2021

Kitchen decor trends in 2021

Kitchen decor trends are always evolving and 2021 is no exception. In the past, this space was intended exclusively for cooking and eating, but today, the kitchen has become a multifunctional place, especially in quarantine, so we spend more and more time in this...

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3 Kitchen Cleaning Secrets you NEED to Know

3 Kitchen Cleaning Secrets you NEED to Know

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home, but it's also one of the most complicated places to keep clean because it's a space that covers so many things. A clean kitchen not only helps to make the food preparation process more pleasant but also ensures good...

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The BEST Cleaning Services in Calgary

The BEST Cleaning Services in Calgary

Are you looking for the best cleaning service in the Calgary area? Then you've come to the right place. Whether it's because we don't have enough time or because we want a deep cleaning, each of us has multiple reasons to hire a cleaning service. However, it's not...

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6 Things you can do to be happy

6 Things you can do to be happy

How can I be happy? What things or activities can I do to be happy? These are questions that we've wondered about at some point.  We are used to seeing happiness as a result, but the truth is happiness is always around us as a part of our path. Although you don't...

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The Ideal Cleaning Routine In 2021

The Ideal Cleaning Routine In 2021

  There is no better feeling than arriving at your home or workplace and finding a completely clean environment.   At Ideal Maids, we know perfectly that feeling and we want it to expand throughout the year in homes and offices across Canada, which is why we...

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9 Benefits of House Cleaning that increase your well-being

9 Benefits of House Cleaning that increase your well-being

9 Benefits of house cleaning for well-being . - Cleaning at home works as a therapeutic activity, which could provide greater well-being and increase happiness, according to the famous Japanese writer Marie Kondo. In her book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up",...

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9 Benefits of cleaning at home for well-being

9 Benefits of cleaning at home for well-being

9 Benefits of cleaning at home for well-being. Cleaning at home works as a therapeutic activity, which could provide greater well-being and increase happiness, according to the famous Japanese writer Marie Kondo. In her book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up",...

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